368 369 SHOWER TRAYS COMPATIBILITY SHOWER SCREENS/ENCLOSURES - SHOWER TRAYS 80 SAFIRA BIFOLD DOOR 89638022 80 SAFIRA BIFOLD PIVOT DOOR 89628022 80 SAFIRA SHOWER PANEL 89668022 Cobalt (c) 100x80 91100080 Selenium (c) 100x80 9210008040 D_Path 80x80 1078720; 100x80(c) 1078820 Marina Star 80x70 87080070; 80x80 97080080;100X80 (c) 97100080 Marina Plus 80x80 96080080; 100x70 (c) 96100070; 100x80 96100080; 100x90 96100090; 100x100 96100100 Marina 80x70 95080070; 80x80 85080080; 100x70 (c) 95100070; 100x80 95100080;100x90 95100090; 100x100 95100100 Moraira Plus 80x80 107790 Moraira 80x80 107150/107245 Waterline 80x80 107480; 80x80 107470 StepIn 80x80 107520; 100x70(c) 107562; 100x80 107542 Moraira Plus (c) 100x80 107812 Moraira (c) 100x70 107192 Waterline (c) 100x70 107452; 100x80 107722; 100x90 107732 Piano 80X80 803550/803620/803520/803580; 100x70 (c) 802360/803070/802010/802720; 100x75 (g) 802370/803080/802020/802730; 100x80 802380/803090/802030/802740; 100x90 802390/803110/802040/802750; 100x100 803570/803640/803540/803610 Open (c) 100x70 801210/801160; 100x75(g) 801240/800960; 100x80 801270/800970; 100x90 801310/800980 Face (c) 100x100 800290 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (d) Compatible with shower trays of length ≥ 80cm and depth of 70-100cm, as long as a minimum side or front entry of 40cm is ensured. (g) Compatible with SAFIRA only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 90 SAFIRA BIFOLD DOOR 89639022 90 SAFIRA PIVOT DOOR 89629022 D_Path 90x90 1078520 Marina Star 90x90 97090090; 90x70 97090070; 90x80 97090080; 100x90 97100090; 110X70 (c) 97110070; 110x80 (c) 97110080; 110X90 (c) 9711009000 Marina Plus 90x70 96090070; 90x80 96090080; 90x90 96090090; 110x70 (c) 96110070; 110x80(c) 96110080; 110x90(c) 96110090; 110x100(c)(f) 96110100 Marina 90x70 95090070; 90x80 95090080; 90x90 95090090; 110x70 (c) 95110070; 110x80(c) 95110080; 110x90 (c) 95110090; 110x100(c)(f) 95110100 Moraira Plus 90x90 107800 Moraira 90x90 107250 Waterline 90x90 107500; 90x90 107780; 90x70 107442 StepIn 90x90 107530 Piano 90x90 803560/803630/803530/803590; 110x80(c) 803660/803680/803650/803670 Face 90x90 800280 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (f) only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 90 NEW WCCARE ENCLOSURE 891920 Cobalt 120x90 9112009000 D_Path 90x90 1078520; 120x90 1078420 Selenium 120x90 9212009040 Orizon 120x90 107862004 Marina Star 90x90 9709009000 Marina Plus 90x90 96090090; 120x90 96120090 Marina 90x90 95090090; 120x90 95120090 Moraira 90x90 107250/107245/107255 Waterline 90x90 107500/107780 StepIn 90x90 107540; 120x90 107612 Piano 120x90 802440/802050; 90x90 803530/803560/803590/803630 Open 120x90 801320/801020 New WcCare 120x90 800900 Face 90x90 800280 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (f) only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 100 SAFIRA BIFOLD DOOR 89630022 100 SAFIRA PIVOT DOOR 89620022 Cobalt 100x80 91100080; 120x90 (c) 91120090 D_Path 120x90 (c) 1078420; 100x80 1078820 Selenium 100x80 (f) 92100080; 120x90 (c) 92120090 Orizon 120x90 (c) 107862004 Marina Star 100x100(f) 97100100; 100x70 97100070; 100X80 97100080; 120x70 (c) 97120070; 120x80 (c) 97120080; 120x90 (c) 97120090; 120x100 (c)(f) 97120100 Marina Plus 100x70 96100070; 100x80 96100080; 100x90 96100090; 100x100(f) 96100100; 120x70 (c) 96120070; 120x80 96120080; 120x90 96120090; 120x100 (f) 96120100 Marina 100x70 95100070; 100x80 95100080; 100x90 95100090; 100x100 (f) 95100100, 120x70 (c) 95120070; 120x80 95120080; 120x90 95120090; 120x100 (f) 95120100; 120x120(f) 95120120 Moraira Plus 100x80 107812; 120x80 (c) 107822; 120x90 107832 Waterline 100x70 107452; 100x80 107722; 100x90 107732, 120x70 (c) 107462; 120x80 107742; 120x90 107752 StepIn 100x70 107562; 100x80 107542; 120x70 (c) 107572; 120x80 107552; 120x90 107612 Piano 100x70 802360/803070/802010/802720; 100x75(g) 802370/803080/802020/802730; 100x80 802380/803090/802030/802740; 100x90 802390/803110/802040/802750; 100x100 (f) 803570/803640/803540/803610; 120x70 (c) 802410/803120/802050/802760; 120x75 (g) 802420/803130/802060/802770; 120x80 802430/803140/802070/802780; 120x90 802440/803150/802080/802790 Open 100x70 801210/801160; 100x75(g) 801240/800960; 100x80 801270/800970; 100x90 801310/800980; 120x70(c) 801220/801160; 120x75 801240/800990; 120x80 801270/801010; 120x90 801310/801020 Face 100x100(f) 800290 New WcCare (c) 120x90 800900 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (d) Compatible with shower trays of length ≥ 80cm and depth of 70-100cm, as long as a minimum side or front entry of 40cm is ensured. (g) Compatible with SAFIRA only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 120 SAFIRA SLIDING DOOR 89612022 Cobalt 120x80 91120080; 120x90 91120090 D_Path 120x90 1078420; 120x80 1078920 Selenium 120x80 92120080; 120x90 92120090 Orizon 120x90(c) 1078620 Marina Star 120x120 (f) 97120120; 120x70 97120070; 120x80 97120080; 120x90 97120090; 120x100(f) 97120100; 140x80 (c) 97120100; 140x90 (c) 97140090; 140x100(c)(f) 97140100; 140x120(c)(f) 97140120 Marina Plus 120x70 96120070; 120x80 96120080; 120x90 96120090; 120x100 (f) 96120100; 140x70 (c) 96140070; 140x80 96140080; 140x90 96140090; 140x100 (f) 96140100 Marina 120x70 95120070; 120x80 95120080;120x90 95120090; 120x100(f) 95120100; 120x120 (f) 95120120; 140x70 (c) 95140070; 140x80 95140080; 140x90 95140090; 140x100 (f) 95140100; 140x120 (f) 95140120 Moraira Plus 120x80 107822; 120x90 107832 Waterline 120x70 107462; 120x80 107742; 120x90 107752 StepIn 120x70 107572; 120x80 107552; 120x90 107612; 140x70(c) 107622; 140x80 107632; 140x90 107642 Piano 120x70 802410/803120/802050/802760; 120x75 802420/803130/802060/802770; 120x80 802430/803140/802070/802780; 120x90 802440/803150/802080/802790; 140x70(c) 802490/803210/802140/802850; 140x75 802510/803220/802150/802860; 140x80 802520/803230/802160/802870; 140x90 802530/803240/802170/802880 Open 120x70 801220/801160; 120x75 801240/800990; 120x80 801270/801010; 120x90 801310/801020; 140x70(c) 801230/801180; 140x75 801260/801030; 140x80 801290/801040; 140x90 801330/801050 New WcCare 120x90 800900 Waterline (c) 140x70 107512 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (f) Only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 120 SAFIRA SHOWER ENCLOSURE 89662022 120 VERSUS SHOWER ENCLOSURE 8931200 Cobalt 120x80 91120080; 120x90 9112009000 D_Path 120x90 1078420; 120x80 1078920 Selenium 120x80 92120080; 120x90 92120090 Orizon 120x90 1078620 Marina Star 120X80 97120080; 120X90 97120090; 120x70 96120070; 120x80 96120080; 120X90 96120090 Marina Plus 120x70 96120070; 120x80 96120080; 120x90 96120090 Marina 120x70 95120070; 120x80 95120080; 120x90 95120090 Waterline 120x70 107462; 120x80 107742 StepIn 120x70 107572; 120x80 107552; 120x90 107612 Piano 120x70 802410/803120/802050/802760; 120x75 802420/803130/802060/802770; 120x80 802430/803140/802070/802780; 120x90 802440/8031507802080/802790 Open 120x70 801220/801170; 120x75 801250/800990; 120x80 801280/801010; 120x90 801320/801020 New WcCare 120x90 800900 (d) Compatible with shower trays of length ≥ 120cm and depth of 70-100cm, as long as a minimum side or front entry of 40cm is ensured. 140 SAFIRA SLIDING DOOR 89614022 Marina Star 140x80 97120100; 140x90 97140090; 140x100(f) 97140100; 140x120(f) 97140120; 140x140(f) 97140140; 160x70 (c) 97160070;160x80(c) 97160080; 160x90 (c) 97160090; 160x100(c)(f) 97160100; 160x120(c)(f) 97160120; 160X140(c)(f) 97160140 Marina Plus 140x70 96140070; 140x80 96140080; 140x90 96140090; 140x100(f) 96140100; 160x70(c) 96160070; 160x80(c) 96160080; 160x90(c) 96160090; 160x100 (c) (f) 96160100 Marina 140x70 95140070; 140x80 95140080; 140x90 95140090; 140x100 (f) 95140100; 140x120 (f) 95140120; 160x70(c) 95160070; 160x80(c) 95160080; 160x90(c) 95160090; 160x100(c)(f) 95160100; 160x120(c)(f) 95160120 Waterline 140x70 107512 StepIn 140x70 107622; 140x80 107632; 140x90 107642 Piano 140x70 802490/803210/802140/802850; 140x75 802510/803220/802150/802860; 140x80 802520/803230/802160/802870; 140x90 802530/803240/802170/802880; 160x70 (c) 802580/803290/802230/802940; 160x75 (c) 802590/803310/802240/802950; 160x80 (c) 802610/803320/802250/802960; 160x90 (c) 802620/803330/802260/802970 Open 140x70 801230/801180; 140x75 801260/801030; 140x80 801290/801040; 140x90 801330/801050 160x70(c) 801630/801430; 160x75(c) 801640/801440; 160x80(c) 801650/801450; 160x90(c) 801660/801460 (c) Compatible if you add the SAFIRA inline panel Ref.89682022. (f) Only in the recessed installation type (between 3 walls) 120 NEW WCCARE SHOWER PANEL 891910 Cobalt 120x90 91120090 D_Path 120x90 1078420 Selenium 120x90 9212009040 Marina Star 120x90 97120090; 120x120 97120120 Marina 120x90 95120090 Orizon 120x90 1078620 StepIn 120x90 107612 Piano 120x90 802440/8031507802080/802790 Open 120x90 801320/801020 New WcCare 120x90 800900 100 SAFIRA CORNER SHOWER ENCLOSURE 89660022 100 VERSUS SHOWER PANEL 8931000 Cobalt 100x80 91100080 Selenium 100x80 92100080 D_Path 100x80 1078820 Marina Star 100x100 (b) 97100100; 100x70 97100070; 100X80 97100080; 100X90 97100090 Marina Plus 100x70 961000700; 100x80 96100080; 100x90 96100090 Marina 100x70 95100070; 100x80 95100080; 100x90 95100090; 100x100 (b) 95100100; Waterline 100x70 107452; 100x80 107722 StepIn 100x70 107562; 100x80 107542 Piano 100x70 802360/803070/802010/802720; 100x75 802370/803080/802020/802730; 100x80 802380/803090/802030/802740; 100x90 802390/803110/802040/802750; 100x100 (b) 803540/803570/803610/803640 Open 100x70 801210/801160; 100x75 801240/800960; 100x80 801270/800970; 100x90 801310/800980 Face (b) 100x100 800290 (b) Versus avaliable on countertop version. (d) Compatible with shower trays of length ≥ 80cm and depth of 70-100cm, as long as a minimum side or front entry of 40cm is ensured. SHOWER TRAYS COMPATIBILITY