Surfers Lodge Peniche located in Baleal, Portugal, 5 km from the town's vast bay has an eco-friendly hotel concept, inspired by the Californian surf culture of the 1960s. It has a very cosy and comfortable atmosphere. Its goal is to ensure a relaxed and welcoming stay for all its guests.

Ivo Tavares Studio

Products used

Urb.y toilet seat with Clipoff and SlowcloseUrb.y toilet seat with Clipoff and Slowclose
  • Slowclose

  • Clipoff

Urb.y toilet seat with Clipoff and Slowclose

Urb.y 48 wall hung toiletUrb.y 48 wall hung toilet

Urb.y 48 wall hung toilet

Urb.y 52 wall hung toilet
  • Discontinued

Urb.y 52 wall hung toilet

Other Reference Projects